Theodore Jack Hansen

Theodore Jack Hansen is the God of Sin who somehow mysteriously made it out alive from the Red Light Dimension many many years ago.

Author: Kikkia Jade Lacie
Name: Theodore Jack Hansen
Nicknames: Theo, Master
Race: Immortal Half Demon/Pureblood Vampire
Gender: Male
Age: 31*
Date of Birth: Oct. 31st, on a Tuesday
Pets: A talking female bunny with bright green eyes and the inside of her ears named Greeny
Place of Origin: The Red Light Dimension, Realm of the Dead
Currently Located: Terra, The Rose Manor
Height: 8'4''
Weight: 300 lbs.
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Light Green
Occupation: Dark Lord
Likes: Adam Oatsworth, Bunnies, and Spicy foods
Appears In: Clash of the Heroes (I-V)

Bio: Theodore's past is mostly unknown. All that is known is that he was at one point in time long long ago married to Connie Monroe, that he really hates his own father, who is a Demon, and his mother has been missing ever since he was 8 years old while his older brother went missing on the exact same day.
Currently he is trying to find both his brother and mother all while avoiding his crazy stickler of a father.

Special Attacks:
He can read peoples' minds and is really great at teaching Math

Special Items:
Items' Names: None

***I Already changed his age before hand so I won't have to later.

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