Aquaryl story informations:
Author: Silver Goddess 🌑
The Story Description:
Young Anhba Dram’sunka was one of the Aquarylos race in the lower class of their highly technologically advanced, yet, equally magically powered society. He works long night shifts at a hotel and seven corals restaurant in Oceamqeall famously known as the Moonibells Resort owned by Raindelle Floriblume, who is known to be a former, once popular dancer and singer. While working one night, he meets musician Jackaluse Winters. Along with Behcaa Koals, JilueVell Öquenarime, Ricko Iparemae, and Yiolett Sollujaa, all of the higher class. And while he does make fast friends with the five of them easily, deeper within, he seems more drawn to Jackaluse with far much greater interests.
For what lasting bonds will be born from these newfound connections??
The World's Informations:
(Mostly) My Figments (OCs) {The cast list}:
Zephyrlkaelus "Zephyrl" Goldien
My friend's, Gems's, Original Aquarylos Character(s):
Mäocha Chäokalabrè:
The pets of the Aquaryl, “cast”:
Vesber: Anhba's dear beloved Cillipody pet.:
Phoy: Raindelle's pet.: (blank):
Zherros: JilueVell's pet.: (blank):
The Different Species/Races: